Katran Fishing Line
Katran Fishing Line

Best from WCCC 2023

Participation form WCCC 2024
WCCC - the 2nd World Carp Casting Championship.
The 2024 WCCC will be hosting the top National teams and legendary athletes from all over the World.
Date of competition: 26 October 2024.
Date of training: 25 October 2024.
Location: Bucharest, Romania

2 categories available:

Casting Range (width of casting zone is up to 60m)*
Casting Accuracy (width of casting zone = 20m)*

*(Please check the official rules to clarify all details)

Entry fee: 75 euros for a single category, 100 euros for both categories (per person)
(Entry fee includes cost of the individual t-shirt, day of training, food & drinks, etc)
Prizes: cups, medals, and products from sponsors.

The official page of the competition: view
The official rules: view

DDL for registration is: 1st September 2024.
Please choose in which you Participate
I confirm, I studied and agree with competion Rules / Policies / Dates / Entry fees amount
I confirm, when I will be qulified, to pay the entry fee in anycase
Entry fee is refundable 45+ days prior the competition date