Katran Fishing Line
Katran Fishing Line
Dear Partners!
We wish to express a big thank you for our cooperation, great team-work, your proactivity, and for your support of Ukraine.
That was another challenging year, however, we are still strong like never before. The results speak for themself and the growth, we have shown is unbelievable.

We feel your great support, we grow because of your contribution.

Thank you!

Best wishes, Vitalii & Viktor

Dear Partners!

We wish to say a big thank you for our cooperation, our great team-work, your proactivity and for your support of Ukraine.

That was an another challenging year, however, we are still strong like never before. The result speaks themself and the growth, we have shown is unbelievable.

We feel your great support, we grow because of your contribution.

Thank you! Best wishes, Vitalii &Viktor

Partners Planning tool 2024

Goals of our Planning Tool:

Gather Feedback: We aim to collect your valuable insights and perspectives to assess our strengths and areas for improvement.

Develop the 2024 Activity Plan: This tool will help in crafting a comprehensive plan for our activities in 2024.

Forecast Sales: A key objective is to project sales figures, enabling us to align our strategies effectively.

Understand Your Needs: Your ideas, opinions, and thoughts are crucial. We seek to understand your requirements better to offer you an unparalleled experience.

Current year evaluation

0 (not satisfied)
100 (highly satisfied)
(evaluate the level of brand awareness)
0 (not popular)
100 (highly popular)
(% of happy customers)
0% (no one is happy to use Katran)
100 (each customer is happy to use Katran)
Do you feel their support of making Katran more known in your region?
0 (no expert support)
100 (total expert support)
0 (no effect at all)
100 (ruined everything)
How generally 2023 is for your business / your company / your shop?

Fishing show participation

Will you visit us at Carp den Bosch 19-21 January
(Viktor would be glad to see you there)
We would be glad to reserve the products in advance

2024 planning

We live in a highly uncertain times, however, we believe in your planning skills and stay optimistic about the future:)

Are you optimistic about 2024 sales&promotion?

Katran Sales 2024

based on your experience, current state, level of growth and ambitions for 2024
based on your experience, current state, level of growth and ambitions for 2024

Not-obliged fields

(promotional ideas, campaigns, sales, etc)
Any ideas, that will help you are welcome
We will reply on your email asap
Thanks in advance!