2.1. Organizers of the competitions: KATRAN GmbH, Germany. and UAB SIPRAKAS Lithuania.
2.2. Competitions are held according to the FIPSS rules
https://www.am-aa.at/assets/Reglements/FIPSed/3a5638d9f7/Reg_FIPSed_Carpa_2021_en_def.pdf2.3. Venue and time:
Lake Kintai Lithuania.2.4. Dates from
17 to 21 May 2022.2.5. Arrival of teams at the place of competition should be before dinner on May 17, 19:00.
2.6. Roll call of teams before the draw will be made on May 18 from 8.00 to 8.30,
2.7. Draw will be organized from 8.30 to 9.30 May 18.
2.8. Arrival to sectors is scheduled from 9.30 to 10.00 May 18.
2.9. At 10.00 entry into the sectors (two hours for preparation)
2.10. Duration of the competition: 72 hours.
2.11. The start of the competition is on
May 18, 2022, at 12.00.
2.12. The Finish of the competition is on
May 21 at Insurance: Accident insurance for all competitors is mandatory and will be checked at team registration.
2.14. The number of sectors: 24 (limited by the possibilities of the reservoir) 12 teams each in zone A and 12 in zone B.).